Are shin splints causing a roadblock in your running journey? If so, you’re not alone. Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, can be a frustrating and painful condition that affects many runners. At Movement Theory Physical Therapy & Wellness, we specialize in treating shin splints and helping runners like you overcome this obstacle. In this blog post, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, and effective treatment options for shin splints, highlighting how our expertise can support your recovery.

Understanding Shin Splints:
Shin splints occur due to repetitive stress on the shinbone and the surrounding tissues. Factors such as overuse, running on hard surfaces, improper footwear, or sudden changes in training intensity can contribute to this condition. Symptoms include pain along the inner edge of the shinbone, tenderness, and discomfort that worsens during or after running.

How Movement Theory Physical Therapy & Wellness Can Help:
At Movement Theory Physical Therapy & Wellness, we take a comprehensive approach to treat shin splints and empower runners to get back on track. Our skilled physical therapists will conduct a thorough assessment to determine the underlying causes of your shin splints and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Treatment may involve targeted exercises to strengthen the muscles in your lower legs and address any muscle imbalances that may be altering mechanics. We may also incorporate manual therapy techniques to alleviate pain, promote healing, and improve tissue mobility. Additionally, we will provide guidance on proper footwear, running form, and gradual return to running to prevent future occurrences.

With our expertise and personalized care, we aim to help you overcome shin splints, restore pain-free movement, and reignite your passion for running.

Shin splints can be a frustrating setback for runners but remember that there is hope for recovery. At Movement Theory Physical Therapy & Wellness, we have the knowledge and experience to guide you through this journey. In our next blog post, we will explore another common orthopedic injury involved with running: plantar fasciitis. Stay tuned as we unveil effective strategies to manage and overcome this condition, empowering you to reach new heights in your running endeavors.