Get ready to lace up your running shoes and join us on an exciting summer-long journey to unleash your running potential! At Movement Theory Physical Therapy & Wellness, we are thrilled to...
Understanding Running Pain
Pain is a complex and multifaceted sensation that serves as an important signal from the body, indicating that something is amiss. When it comes to running, pain can manifest in various forms,...
Finding Relief: How Physical Therapy Can Alleviate Running Pain
Running is a popular form of exercise, but it can also lead to various types of pain and discomfort. Thankfully, physical therapy offers a holistic approach to treat and prevent running-related...
Is Surgery Worth It? What Does Recovery Look Like?
From a general stand-point, if you need surgery, it's likely to be the best thing for you. The problem we run into in physical therapy is that many surgeries are not the best thing for the patient,...
What To Expect Following Surgery? Can I Walk? Part 2
So you just had surgery or maybe you're planning one in the coming weeks or months. It's possible, even, that you're just looking for information and checking things out from a curiosity...
The Best Pillow For Neck Pain! If You Always Wake Up With a Stiff or Painful Neck, Try This!
The best pillow for neck pain is as straight-forward as one would hope. In fact, the best pillow is going to be different for everyone, but you can easily figure out the one that's best 'for you.'...
Why Do I Hurt? What Even Is Pain? Does the Imaging Matter?
BINGO! This is the question we really need to be asking ourselves. What is pain? - There's no real definition, but it's becoming seen more as an experience that is multi-factorial, as opposed to...
ZAP! ZING! What is That Shooting Pain in My Arms and Legs?
We've all been walking about our day, or at home cleaning the house and we all of a sudden bend over and get either that locking up sensation that sends you to the ground. Or you get a jolt of...
Acupuncture or Dry Needle: What Is It? What Is It Used For?
If you've ever been curious about what it is, you're not alone. Often times patient's have heard of acupuncture, but never dry needle therapy (DNT) or Functional Dry Needling (FDN). I tend to...
What is a Discovery Visit?
To put it simply - a way for you to find out everything you want to know about your case without having to spend a single penny; it only costs your time. Discovery Visit Agenda Answer questions...
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