You'll find below the stretches we mentioned in the video, as well as hold times and the number of repetitions you should make. Disclaimer: You should consult your physician before you start any of...
You'll find below the stretches we mentioned in the video. It also includes hold times, how many times you should repeat them and how often each week you should do them. Disclaimer: You should...
You'll find below the stretches we mentioned in the video. It also includes hold times, how many times you should repeat them and how often each week you should do them. Disclaimer: You should...
August Monthly Resources Here are some tips and information on managing swelling. Disclaimer: You should consult your physician before you start any of these exercises or any other exercise. Some...
Misaligned or “Miss, I’m Lying?” Are your hips and your back really out of place?
I'll keep today's content succinct; short and to the point. This top myth is somehow still very much alive today. I was actually visiting with family this weekend for my wife's birthday and found...
When Should I Be Worried About My Lower Back Pain?
That's a great question, and luckily there's some pretty clear cut answers on the topic. If you check yes to any of these red flags below them you should definitely report to an urgent care or ER...
Should I See a Physical Therapist For My Injury or Random Pains?
YES! Absolutely, YES! Physical Therapists are Doctorate trained and have great knowledge in clearing red flags. In fact, if your physical therapist isn't screening for red flags and asking...
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